Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Winter begins in Jackson Hole!

Owen Leeper +Jackson Hole Mountain Resort PC: Eric Seymour

After a huge week of snow in early October, it dried up in Jackson. The resort was forced to delay opening for a week and finally opened with a few grassy runs last thursday. Then the weather changed and the big dump we needed dropped 59 inches over the course of 9 days!

Teton Pass PC: Janelle Smiley

Owen on Teton Pass PC: Sasha Motivala

I went skinning up the pass for my sister Janelle Smiley's birthday 
and her husband Mark. We did 3 laps the snow was so good.

Owen Leeper in deep. PC: Janelle Smiley

Both the resort and Teton pass got tons of light powder and 
made for an amazing couple of days at the resort and 
the backcountry. Can't wait for the next one!

A photo posted by Owen Leeper (@o_leeps) on

If you haven't seen my edit from last season +Jackson Hole Mountain Resort Check it out below!